Commemoration 80th Anniversary Operation Market Garden

  • 09-09-2024

Operation Market Garden was an ambitious and daring Allied operation during World War II, carried out from September 17 to 25, 1944. The goal was to accelerate the Allied advance in the Netherlands through a combined airborne and ground assault.

The operation consisted of two parts: "Market," the airborne operation in which 35,000 paratroopers were deployed to capture bridges in the Netherlands, and "Garden," the ground offensive by the British XXX Corps to reach these bridges. Despite initial successes and the capture of several bridges, the operation ultimately failed due to strong German resistance and logistical problems.

The bridge at Arnhem proved to be a bridge too far, resulting in heavy losses and the withdrawal of the Allies. Market Garden remains a bold yet controversial strategy.

Living history

One of the most fascinating reasons to collect and drive historical military vehicles is the chance to literally relive the past. During events like reenactments and living history gatherings, history comes to life in a way that's hard to describe.

When you're sitting in one of these vehicles and driving into a town or village, you relive the emotions the liberators must have felt back then: the sound of the engines, people waving along the roadside, and the deep realization that you are part of something monumental.

Just like the Allied forces who brought liberation to the Netherlands in 1944, you drive the same routes, often welcomed by people commemorating and celebrating the moment. It's as if an old black-and-white photo springs to life, and you find yourself standing in the midst of history, surrounded by the vehicles, uniforms, and stories of that time.

The XXX Corps Military Remembrance Convoy, taking place from September 14 to 21, 2024, is one such unique opportunity where approximately 250 military vehicles and more than 700 crew members will commemorate the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden.

Join us and feel passion!

A passion for historical military vehicles cannot simply be told—it must be felt. It’s the moment you sit in an armored vehicle, and the powerful history flows through you. That’s why Tracks & Trade offers a unique opportunity for people seriously considering purchasing a vehicle: the chance to accompany us on a portion of the route during this unique event.

Our collaborative partner BAIV BV has offered us 2 seats in one of their vehicles! The seats offer you the opportunity to ride along in the Liberation Tour for one full day. Not only can you experience the passion of history firsthand, but you’ll also feel the strength and unique character of these vehicles for yourself.

If you’re interested in participating in this unforgettable event and want to relive the feelings of the liberators, please contact Ivo Sr. for more information and conditions via email or phone.

Even if you haven't been able to secure these two seats, we highly recommend visiting this unique event. Whether you're standing by the roadside as tanks and vehicles thunder past, or strolling through the historic WWII camps where Allied vehicles are displayed, these are the moments when an owner enjoys their vehicle the most and the vehicles truly come alive. And you’ll definitely see it!

Event: XXX Corps Military Remembrance Convoy Belgium/The Netherlands 2024
When: September 14 – 21, 2024. The day of participation is to be arranged in consultation.
Where: Starting in Leopoldsburg (Belgium) and ending in Bemmel (The Netherlands). Total 160 km.

Feel free to get in touch

Ivo Rigter Sr.

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