Canhão Antitanque Ordnance QF 17-pounder

O Ordnance QF 17-pounder foi um poderoso canhão antitanque britânico utilizado durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, capaz de destruir tanques alemães fortemente blindados, como o Tiger. Adotado pelo Exército Australiano, foi montado em veículos como o Sentinel AC IV e foi empregado tanto em funções rebocadas quanto estáticas no teatro do Pacífico.

Nederweert, Países Baixos
Ano de construção
País de origem
Reino Unido
Fábrica de Armas G&R Austrália/ Ruwolt Austrália
Gun Mk I / Carriage Mk I
Boa condição (Restauração Classe B)
Lance inicial
€ 5.500



Este canhão é um autêntico canhão antitanque 17-Pdr em sua carroceria original Mk 1 produzida na Austrália.

Foi descoberto em um celeiro em 2021 pelo Sr. Chris Luxmoore, representante da BAIV na Austrália. Depois de ser enviado para a Europa, foi cuidadosamente restaurado e reparado na oficina da BAIV (Restauração Classe B).

Está em excelente estado e ainda operacional. Além disso, é muito completo, vem com muitos detalhes originais (até a caixa de ferramentas está preenchida), pneus renovados (cópias exatas do modelo original da Segunda Guerra Mundial) e ainda estão presentes as pequenas cordas de reboque!

Todo original, liberação direta do exército e sempre armazenado de forma adequada.

Detalhes técnicos

Fabricante do Canhão
Fábrica de Armas G&R Austrália
Fabricante do Carro
Ruwolt Austrália
Modelo do Canhão
Mk. I
Modelo do Carro
Mk. I
Data de Fabricação
14 pés 7 polegadas (4,44 m)
Comprimento (cano)
13 pés 9 polegadas (4,19 m)
7 pés 3 polegadas (2,21 m)
5 pés 3 polegadas (1,6 m)
6.613 lb (3 toneladas)
Alcance máximo de tiro
6,5 milhas (10,5 km)
Velocidade do projétil
2.900 - 3.950 pés/s (880 - 1200 m/s)
QF Fixo, 76.2x583mmR
3 polegadas (76,2 mm)
Entre -6 e + 16,5 graus
5 - 6
2x 0,23 polegadas (2x 6 mm)
Números de Produção
aproximadamente 15.000


O Ordnance QF 17-pounder foi um canhão antitanque desenvolvido na Grã-Bretanha que desempenhou um papel crucial nos últimos anos da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Introduzido em 1943, ele foi projetado para combater a crescente espessura de blindagem dos tanques alemães, como o Tiger I e o Panther. Com um calibre de 76,2 mm e capaz de disparar um projétil de alto-velocidade e perfurante (HVAP), o 17-pounder foi uma das armas antitanque mais poderosas de sua época, capaz de penetrar mais de 200 mm de armadura a curta distância. Sua velocidade inicial era de cerca de 900 a 1.200 metros por segundo, dependendo do tipo de munição, tornando-o extremamente eficaz contra blindagens inimigas à longa distância.


Inicialmente utilizado na campanha da África do Norte, o 17-pounder rapidamente ganhou respeito por sua capacidade de destruir tanques alemães fortemente blindados que outros canhões aliados tinham dificuldades em penetrar. Eventualmente, foi montado em várias plataformas, sendo mais famoso no Sherman Firefly, um tanque americano Sherman modificado. Essa combinação tornou-se uma parte crítica das divisões blindadas das forças aliadas, especialmente na invasão da Normandia e em operações subsequentes na Europa.


Uso Australiano do 17-pounder

O Exército Australiano também adotou o 17-pounder durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, principalmente em resposta à crescente ameaça dos tanques japoneses e ao potencial de veículos inimigos mais fortemente blindados. Embora os tanques japoneses fossem geralmente menos formidáveis do que seus equivalentes europeus, a Austrália buscou fortalecer suas defesas antitanque à medida que a guerra no Pacífico se intensificava.

O 17-pounder foi utilizado em configurações rebocadas e montado em veículos blindados. Além das montagens em veículos, o canhão também foi empregado em configuração rebocada por unidades de infantaria australianas, servindo como um ativo defensivo chave contra ameaças blindadas. O Exército Australiano continuou a empregar o 17-pounder nos anos pós-guerra, particularmente como parte de seus regimentos antitanque, onde permaneceu em serviço até ser gradualmente substituído por sistemas antitanque mais modernos na década de 1950.

Nota para o comprador


On all lots a buyer’s premium of 16,5% of the hammer price is charged. Over this buyer’s premium a 21% sales tax (VAT) will be applicable.


Spare parts, accessories and militaria are sold in as-is condition and delivered without any guarantee of functioning.


Cars, motorcycles, trucks, cannons or howitzers, armored vehicles, and tanks are sold in as-is condition, with no technical guarantee and guarantee of authenticity and with or without registration.


The Auction House will not supply ANY item unless the correct paperwork and licensing – if needed – has been supplied by the Buyer in full.

If required and applicable (fire)arms can be made inoperable or permanently disabled by BAIV in The Netherlands as being a licensed Arms & Weapons Dealer Registration Nr. NL20191618779. In this case all relevant cost will be charged to the Buyer in addition and have to be paid in advance in full. Collection by appointment only!


However, for most of the lots 21% sales tax (VAT) over the hammer price will be not applicable, it might be that in some specific cases sales tax (VAT) over the hammer price will be charged. In such a case this will be specifically specified in the lot description. For all other lots the margin scheme will be applicable. For more info see our General Conditions of Sale Article 9 on our website;


Parts, accessories, and militaria

The collection of the lots, subject to payment, is by appointment only. The date and time for collecting the goods will be arranged in consultation with the seller.


Vehicles can be picked up, subject to payment, by appointment only. The date and time for collecting vehicles will be arranged in consultation with the seller.

Handling costs for the removal of the vehicles will, when applicable, be applied at cost.

Arms & weapons

The Auction House will not supply ANY item unless the correct paperwork and licensing – if needed - have been supplied in full. If required and applicable (fire)arms can be made inoperable or permanently disabled by BAIV in The Netherlands as being a licensed Arms & Weapons Dealer Registration Nr. NL20191618779. In this case all relevant cost will be charged to the Buyer in addition and have to be paid in advance in full. Collection by appointment only.


Depending on the destination and content of the Lot the Buyer shall obtain an International Import Certificate / End User Certificate. Some of the items listed in the auction may require special licenses or permits or existing documents must be prepared for export. If this is relevant, Tracks & Trade will take care of this. The applicable costs will be charged to the successful bidder. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. No item will be allowed to be collected without 100% of all legal requirements being fulfilled.


Removal of lots must be completed:

  • After full payment and 100% coverage of all legal requirements.

  • Within 6 weeks after the auction had ended (November 30, 2024). No storage fees will be applicable until that date.

Shipping and packing costs and special costs that arise for loading special items, such as crane costs or costs for hiring special equipment etc., will be charged to the Buyer on the basis of actual costs + a surcharge of 10%. Naturally, you can count on us when it comes to the shipment of your purchases. We are happy to take care of that.


Lots not picked up by Buyers within 6 weeks after the auction had ended (November 30, 2024) will be returned to secure storage at Buyer’s expense. In this case storage fees will be applicable. Contact Tracks & Trade for costs and conditions.


 If you have any specific questions, please contact us either by telephone (+31 6 518 22 502) or E-mail ([email protected]). We are happy to help and support you through the entire process. We will do our utmost to please and comfort you. So, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


All information and transactions are subject to the general terms and conditions (Version 2.0 dated 29-04-2022). For more detailed information visit our website.

Informações de envio

After buying a classic military vehicle or other items such as cannons, planes, howitzers and tanks, there are several steps you would typically need to take:


  • Legalities

    In principle, no special permit is required for unarmored wheeled and tracked vehicles. In many cases, an export procedure that is comparable to that for exporting classic cars and motorcycles is sufficient. Military collectables older than 75 years and with a value over Euro 50k are often considered National Heritage. In such cases an export permit must be requested from the National Ministry of Culture of the exporting country. Tanks, howitzers and self-propelled or towed cannons often require specific permits that are highly dependent on the country of shipment and the country of destination. In such a case first ensure that you apply for the necessary permits, licenses, and other paperwork required to own and operate such an item in your jurisdiction. This may involve registering the item with the appropriate authorities and complying with any regulations regarding its ownership and use. In such a case it is advisable to contact us in advance because we have many decades of experience in the import and export of Classic Military Heritage. Based on this experience, we can generally quickly provide feedback on what applies to you. This is especially relevant because regulations in this regard change every now and then and sometimes, we also have to deal with export-restrictions. In short: if you want to be sure, contact us in time to avoid difficulties in a later stage.

  • Storage

    Find a suitable storage location for your collectable, preferably a secure and legal place where you can keep it when not in use. This could be a garage, warehouse, or even a specially designed storage facility or museum.

  • Transportation

    After you have all paperwork in place next step will be the (oversees) transport to your desired location. This may involve hiring specialized transport and broker services due to permits, size and weight. Als in this case we can support you with organizing the transport or make sure you get in contact with some experts.

  • Maintenance and Restoration

    Depending on the condition of your military collectable our partner BAIV can help you with maintenance and restoration work to ensure that it is safe and operational. This could involve relatively easy maintenance and repair,  service till a Class-A restoration. In such a case please contact BAIV (link to BAIV website).

  • Training

    If you intend to operate a vehicle then make sure you have manuals that describe how the operate vehicle. Nowadays there are numerous reprints available on the Internet that explain you in a playful way how to drive and operate your vehicle. This is often a team effort, which makes owning such a vehicle extra attractive. If required, you can also involve hiring a professional instructor or attending specialized training courses to learn how to drive and maintain it safely. In such a case, our partner BAIV can also support you.

  • Insurance

    Consider obtaining insurance coverage for your vehicle to protect yourself against any potential accidents or liabilities that may arise from owning and operating it. Often there are specialized insurance companies offering these kinds of services. Local military vehicle clubs often also know their way around the specific options offered by insurance companies.

  • Enjoyment

    Finally, once everything is in place, you can enjoy owning and, if permitted, operating your classic military vehicle, cannon or howitzer. Whether it's for display purposes or for participating in historical reenactments, owning such a great unit can be a unique and rewarding experience.

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